3 Things To Keep in Your Car in Case of Emergency
What does retirement look like for you? Are you going to sit back and watch the grass grow, or are you going to explore the country and the world? If you are the adventurous type, prepare for every possibility. Road trips offer an exciting and often illuminating experience, but if you are not ready, they can present several difficulties. Every driver or vehicle owner should plan for potential emergencies. Sure, most insurers offer roadside assistance, but sometimes more is needed in a genuine emergency. Instead of worrying if you are prepared, know it by ensuring you pack your
vehicle with the following three essentials.
1. Emergency Kit
The first item to always have in your vehicle is an automotive emergency kit. Your kit needs to include several elements.
• Jumper cables
• Spare tire (make sure it is inflated correctly)
• Multitool
• Flashlight and batteries
• Reflective triangles or flares
• Fire extinguisher
• Compass
Additionally, you will want to have some protective items for yourself. You may need a reflective vest, rain poncho or even a blanket, depending on the climate. You will also want to have a cell phone and car charger on hand to phone for help. Duct tape and other items may be useful as well. You can look for more information from the National Safety Council.
2. First Aid
While stalling out is one thing, a collision or solitary accident is another concern altogether. When injuries occur, time is often of the essence. You will want to purchase a first aid kit to keep in your vehicle at all times. Make sure that the kit includes all the essentials.
• Bandages
• Gauze
• Tape
• Scissors
• Antibiotic ointment
• Tweezers
• Cold compress
• Hydrocortisone
• Thermometer
• Aspirin
• Non-latex gloves
A proper first aid kit allows you to manage emergencies until emergency services arrive on the scene. While you may not need immediate medical attention for minor abrasions, a complete first aid kit can help mitigate blood loss and save your life.
3. Food and Water
Many road trips can take you through some gorgeous and remote areas. While these areas are beautiful, they are not ideal locations to break down or crash. It is not unheard of for an accident victim in a remote area to be missing for a few days, not to scare you. The unpredictability of response times in an emergency is why it is always necessary to have food and water in your vehicle. However, you want nonperishable, high-energy foods, like dried fruits, unsalted nuts and even hard candies.
Whether you are about to retire or well into your retirement, emergency preparation is an integral part of that process. Whether you are looking for safety advice, like the above, or are more interested in securing a financial future for yourself and your loved ones, the Wise Ol’ Crow is here for you. For more information and no-nonsense advice, take a deep-dive into the blog archives. There is no reason for any retired person to struggle in their twilight years. You worked hard for what you have and now is the time to make the most of your experiences.