The world gets more expensive every day. Still, somehow, corporations experience record profits while consumers struggle to buy groceries or fill up their gas tanks. How is this possible?It is easy enough for consumers to understand inflation. But if the cost of goods goes up, so does the manufacturing price, right? How can a company […]
The recent news of a population decline in china shocked the world. The country’s population has not experienced a dip since the 1960s, but in 2022, it fell by 850,000 people. A historic famine caused the previous population loss, but what is the cause of the most current drop, and what does it mean for […]
Many people complain about taxes in the United States. The 37% tax rate on higher-income Americans can seem unfair, but it is not without merit. Still, how does the U.S. stack up against other countries? Is the federal government worse than or better than other territories?When examining the tax systems of other countries, seven systems […]
It’s a word no one wants to hear, and even fewer people like to talk about: inflation. Yet, prices are up in every possible sector, including food, rent, utilities, fuel, and many other areas. As prices continue to rise, so do the average Americans’ concerns about their financial futures.While inflation is concerning, the outlook might […]
Events outside of the control of employers and employees saw the rise and necessity of remote work. With nearly two years since the widespread adoption of remote work, the workforce is settling into what many assumed to be the new normal. However, many employers do not seem as keen on the permanent adoption of the […]
“Now hiring!” How many signs have you seen that beg for job applicants in recent months? As the economy and society return to offices and in-person activities, many businesses have pleaded for applicants. The continued demand for employees makes recent news about massive layoffs so confusing and troubling.Layoffs and Consumer PreferenceThe layoffs are coming from […]