Tag Archives for " inflation "

4 Reasons Not to Panic Over Inflation

It’s a word no one wants to hear, and even fewer people like to talk about: inflation. Yet, prices are up in every possible sector, including food, rent, utilities, fuel, and many other areas. As prices continue to rise, so do the average Americans’ concerns about their financial futures.While inflation is concerning, the outlook might […]

Inflation and Diminishing Wage Gains

Many Americans experienced wage increases over the last several years; the national average was about 4.5% last year. Unfortunately, the progress in wages is all but canceled out by increasing inflation. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, prices increased by an average of 7.9% over the last year.Therefore, while many Americans saw increases […]

Russia’s Choices and International Consequences

In the waning days of February 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Swift in its rebuke and response, the international community instituted financial sanctions, trade bans, airline bans, suspension of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, and measures to isolate Russian banks.The actions against Russian act as motivators to evacuate Ukraine and avoid further […]

Inflation and the American Household

Groceries, clothing, cars, and countless other essential and luxury items have increased in price over the past few months, putting a significant strain on the average American household. Aside from the increasing cost of living, Americans have experienced lower interest rates on savings, meaning families are being clobbered financially, which is jarring — to say […]