Should you invest when the market experiences a downward trend or wait for things to turn around? For some new investors, market downturns seem too risky because there is no way of knowing how far down the DOW will trek. Still, down markets also present significant opportunities for investors to grab blue chip stocks at […]
The golden days of retirement will be here before you know it. Sure, you worked hard during your life, bought a home, put money into savings, and spent your earnings carefully. Maybe you even have a retirement account in the works for added protection. While that’s all well and good, a comfortable retirement requires ample […]
In the DOJ’s recent lawsuit against Google, the government claims the company has used unfair practices to stay the dominant online search engine and act as “a monopoly gatekeeper of the internet.” Will this lawsuit cause tech stocks to plummet?What Is the Case About?This case asserts that by paying Apple billions to be the default […]
The stock market can be unpredictable to say the least. For this reason, periods of slower economic growth aren’t really a huge surprise. What should you do with your money during an economic downturn?Your GoalsThe first step in deciding your next move is knowing what you want to accomplish. Are you trying to benefit financially […]
If you’re like many people, you look at the stock market as a mysterious and complexundertaking. You know that people earn money on investments, maybe even people like your friends or your family, but to you, it all seems like a foreign language. You may also be put off by the high-risk nature, especially if […]
Too many people have a skewed view of investing. The consensus is that if you didn’t startinvesting between 20 and 30, then what’s the point? The point is there is still a lot of money on the table. There is no reason that during your retirement years, your money can’t start working for you instead […]
If you think the stock market is only for gamblers and slick, Gordon Gekko types, think again.There are a variety of ways that even the most fiscally conservative among us can invest ourhard-earned cash without worrying about taking out a second mortgage. Here are five categories of stock into which I’ve sunk money at some […]