Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

The Top 5 Safest Modes of Travel

Retirement is the time in your life to enjoy and travel. If plans were successful, you likely have enough to enjoy one or two trips per year, if not more. However, as eager as many retirees are to travel, the news of plane crashes, boats capsizing, or train derailments can quickly curb the enthusiasm.  It […]

Inflation and the American Household

Groceries, clothing, cars, and countless other essential and luxury items have increased in price over the past few months, putting a significant strain on the average American household. Aside from the increasing cost of living, Americans have experienced lower interest rates on savings, meaning families are being clobbered financially, which is jarring — to say […]

The Importance and Suggested Frequency of Credit Monitoring

According to the Federal Trade Commission, one in five Americans experiences errors on at least one of their credit reports. Unfortunately, most people do not realize the mistakes because they do not check their reports often or not often enough.  Credit reporting errors at TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian can lead to weaker credit scores regardless of […]