If you have credit card debt and pay over 20%, it’s time to look at ways to lower your card’s interest rates. Getting a lower annual percentage rate is easier than you think, especially if you’ve already paid down part of the debt. Follow this simple guide for great tips.How To Negotiate a Lower Interest […]
If you’re like many people, you find little joy in doing your taxes. However, when all is said and done and you finally hit “E-file” or send your packet in for review, you can rest easy in the knowledge that all your hard work is about to pay off via a refund.Many Americans look forward […]
With computer chip shortages and logistic issues for new cars, the used-vehicle market is scorching hot. The market is witnessing a steady drop in supply and increase in demand; manufacturers can’t keep up.The inability to maintain stock is out of the hands of car dealers and developers. The shortages of critical components are widespread throughout […]
The typical work week consists of five days or more and a minimum of 40 hours per week. People are used to the standard workweek, but is it the best approach to a happy and successful life.From grade school all the way through retirement, people are groomed to believe that work is the primary purpose […]
You work hard for your money. Most people put in over 40 hours per week to earn just enough to get by, so it is tempting to bask in the pay increase when they get a raise or earn a promotion.Celebrating is natural and often deserved, but when celebration becomes a habit and habit becomes […]
Charity is a long-held staple in financial circles. While charitable donations do provide some tax incentives, most people give money because they believe in a cause. Unfortunately, not all charities are on the up and up. Some organizations are dubious, and others are not well managed. Before you donate your hard-earned money, you should do your […]
One of the scariest things, when you fall ill, is thinking you cannot afford to get healthy. Medical debt can quickly become overwhelming and challenging to manage. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to save yourself money and limit future debt.1. Learn Your PolicyWhile they are typically dry and overly complex reading, you […]
Getting your first home is exciting. It’s also a big decision. If you play your cards right, you can save money and have the cash to spend on other things you love. Before you sign on the dotted line, take a look at these tips for first-time home buyers.1. Take Care of Your CreditA common […]
Money and worry seem to go hand-in-hand. While the occasional financial concern is normal and expected, the chronic panic over bills and finances is problematic. Too much concern can result in sleepless nights and cognitive impairment.Losing your job or experiencing unexpected expenses is enough to stress anyone out. Still, the goal must be to manage […]
Buy now, pay later applications moved from the outskirts of payment options to mainstream purchasing options relatively quickly. Less than 10 years ago, the acronym BNPL likely struck confusion on consumers’ faces, but now, with large retail chains accepting the payment option, it is becoming common knowledge.BNPL services have advantages for the consumer and the […]