Tag Archives for " Home "

7 Ways To Spruce Up Curb Appeal

People spend decades in their houses, raising children and working to maintain and retire in a relaxing and stable environment. Unfortunately, for many people, performing routine maintenance is not possible as a working professional, meaning that many home improvement tasks wait until after retirement. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your home that do not […]

Is it Time To Downsize Your Home?

Older age comes with several important considerations and decisions, one of which is when is it time to downsize? Most people assume they will start downsizing once their last child has flown the coop, but the truth is that many homeowners put off the inevitable for as long as possible. In fact, just as boomers […]

Why Investing in a Rental Property Early Might Be the Best Retirement Decision

Most people will experience a point in their adult lives when they panic about the future, specifically caring for themselves beyond retirement. While there are methods for saving for retirement to ensure your future is secure, one investment opportunity that is often overlooked is purchasing an investment property. The earlier you can buy an investment property, […]

Plan Ahead for These 10 Likely COVID-19 Winter Shortages

When the nation was first rattled by COVID-19 last spring, disinfectant, toilet paper, tissues, masks and hand sanitizer flew off the shelves. As winter approaches, prepare for a potential second wave by getting ahead of the probable shortages. Start your shopping with these 10 likely-to-sell-out essentials.Paper TowelsWhile TP is more readily available than it was […]

4 Benefits of Mortgage Preapproval for First-Time Home Buyers

If you’ve read any articles at all about buying your first home, you’ve probably heard that youshould seek mortgage preapproval as you tour potential properties. Preapproval consists of a letter from the mortgage company indicating the amount available for your potential home loan based on your credit history, the interest rate and the monthly payment. […]